Foreign key constraint on Prisma model creation

T. Duke

I have a create user function in my user.server.ts:

export async function createUser(username: User["username"], email: User["email"], password: string) {
  const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10)

  const user = await prisma.user.create({
    data: {
      role: {
        create: {
          name: ValidRoles["User"]
      hashed_password: hashedPassword,

  return prisma.userProfile.create({
    data: {
       user: {
        connect: user

This adheres to this Schema:

model User {
  id       Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
  username String @unique @default("user")
  email    String    @unique
  hashed_password String
  role     Role      @relation(fields: [roleId], references: [id]) // Fields: PK, references: FK
  roleId   Int       @default(0)
  profile UserProfile @relation(fields: [profileId], references: [id], onUpdate: Cascade)
  profileId Int @unique @default(1)
  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @default(now()) @updatedAt

model UserProfile {
  id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
  user User?
  userId Int @unique

When I register a new user, however, I get this error:

Invalid `prisma.user.create()` invocation in

  15 export async function createUser(username: User["username"], email: User["email"], password: string) {
  16   const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10)
→ 18   const user = await prisma.user.create(
Foreign key constraint failed on the field: `User_profileId_fkey (index)`
    at Zr.handleRequestError (node_modules\@prisma\client\runtime\library.js:171:6414)
    at Zr.handleAndLogRequestError (node_modules\@prisma\client\runtime\library.js:171:5948)
    at Zr.request (node_modules\@prisma\client\runtime\library.js:171:5786)
    at t._request (node_modules\@prisma\client\runtime\library.js:174:10455)
    at createUser (app\models\user.server.ts:18:16)
    at action (app\routes\register.tsx:26:9)
    at Object.callRouteActionRR (build\server.js:39464:20)
    at callLoaderOrAction (build\server.js:38586:18)
    at submit (build\server.js:38277:20)
    at queryImpl (build\server.js:38240:27)

I assumed my relations were correct, and if they aren't if someone could elaborate that'd be great. Otherwise, if not, what is wrong and how do I remedy this? I appreciate the help.

Alex Wayne
profile UserProfile @relation(fields: [profileId], references: [id], onUpdate: Cascade)
profileId Int @unique @default(1)

Well you have profileId as NOT NULL with a default of 1. If you don't have a UserProfile with an id of 1, then the database won't like that id pointing at a non-existent record.

Maybe you should make that a nullable reference like:

profileId Int? @unique

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