use string content of a variable to refer to a column in a dataframe using transmute dplyr

Jonas :

I would like to use the variable "second_column" as a variable to refer to the column "test1$b". I tried different things, but couldn't find any solutions yet. test1 and test2 should be the same in the end...

test1 <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b = 6:10)

second_column = "b"

test2 <- test1 %>% 
  transmute(variable1 = a,
         variable2 = second_column


Duck :

I would suggest using !! from rlang and These two elements are useful for the kind of evaluation you want in order to create your variables:

test1 <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b = 6:10)
#Var name
second_column = "b"
#Data 2
test2 <- test1 %>% 
  transmute(variable1 = a,
            variable2 = !!



  a  b
1 1  6
2 2  7
3 3  8
4 4  9
5 5 10


  variable1 variable2
1         1         6
2         2         7
3         3         8
4         4         9
5         5        10

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