My Java code isn't executing print statements when the user inputs an option they want to choose. Why is it not working and how do I fix it?

Sarrah Sodawala

I'm creating a game, and the code that I want Java to run isn't running even when the user inputs a valid answer and I'm not sure how to fix the problem.

I tried creating a keyboard statement for the variable and seperately tried a static String variable name for after the public class, but instead it gives me errors when I originally had none.

This is my original code below:

                public static void carMethod (Scanner keyboard) 
                System.out. println ("Now, what is it that you decide to do?"); 
                System.out.println ("Here are your options:"); 
        System.out.println (); 
        System.out.println (); 

        System.out.println ("(A.) Go up to the car and see if anyone’s inside.");  
        System.out.println ("It’s weird enough that a car is in your area anyway"); 
        System.out.println (); 
        System.out.println ("OR"); 
        System.out.println (); 
        System.out.println ("(B.) Ignore it. It’s obviously none of your business."); 
        System.out.println ("So, what’s it going to be?"); 
        System.out.println ("A or B?"); 
        System.out.println (); 

        String carSelection=keyboard.nextLine(); 
        if (carSelection == "A" || carSelection == "a") { 

            System.out.println ("You peep into the passenger's side’s windows and don’t notice much"); 
            System.out.println ("other than used soda cans and chip bags scattered across the floor."); 
            System.out.println ("You also notice that the driver’s sides’s windows are completely open");
            System.out.println ("and the keys are casually sitting on top of the driver’s seat, waiting to be taken."); 
            System.out.println ("What do you plan on doing?"); 
            TextAdventure.searchMethod (keyboard); //note that this is a seperate method and does not have anything to do with the problem 
        if (carSelection == "B" || carSelection == "b") { 

            System.out.println ("Well my friend…"); 
            System.out.println (" let the car be and continue on with your day"); 
            System.out.println ("and nothing eventful ever happens to you again."); 

            System.out.println ("THE END"); 

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


When comparing Strings in Java (or any nonprimitive type), you need to use the .equals method rather than using ==. You can read more about why here, but the fix is just to say

if (carSelection.equals("A") || carSelection.equals("a")) {

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