evalf in sympy returns expression instead of value in single variable expression

Michael Eliosov

I'm trying to use sympy to compute Taylor series, but something seems to be wrong.

I have an expression that looks like this (the first two terms of e^sin(x)):

e**sin(x)*x*log(e)*cos(x) + 1.0

but when I run evalf on it it returns the expression itself:

print(sympify('e**sin(x)*x*log(e)*cos(x) + 1.0').evalf(subs={x:1})) 
# returns e**sin(x)*x*log(e)*cos(x) + 1.0

This happens regardless of what value for x I pick

Oscar Benjamin

Use E for the Euler number:

In [18]: x=symbols('x')
    ...: print(sympify('E**sin(x)*x*log(E)*cos(x) + 1.0').evalf(subs={x:1}))

Alternatively use e.g. exp(sin(x)) rather than E**sin(x).

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