How can i create a database using SQLite on Xamarin forms?


I have been using SQLite-net-pcl to add a database to my application but when i try to create the database it throws this exception SQLite.SQLiteException: 'Could not open database file: mydatabase.db3 (Misuse)'.

public class MySQLDatabase
    private static SQLiteAsyncConnection db;

    public void MyDatabase()
        if (db != null)

        string databasepath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "mydatbase.db3");
        db = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(databasepath);

    public void InsertData(int gameid, string preorder,string rating,string standards,string overpriced,string agerating,string gameplay,string recommend,string impact)
        MyTable myNewTable = new MyTable
            GameId = gameid,
            PreOrder = preorder,
            Rating = rating,
            Standards = standards,
            OverPriced = overpriced,
            AgeRating = agerating,
            Gameplay = gameplay,
            Recommend = recommend,
            Impact = impact

    public void CloseConnection()

I have seen other solutions to this problem using SQLiteConnection.CreateFile() but for some reason, this method doesn't show up for me. I am using the SQLite-net-pcl 1.8.116 version.


this is method I use for create and migrate Sqlite DB in Xamarin.Forms:

var _rootFolder = new LocalRootFolder();
var connection = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(Path.Combine(rootFolder.Path, "my_db.sqlite"));
await connection.CreateTableAsync<My_Table>();

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