Using application property in Spring Boot annotation?


I have the following date field in my DTO class:

private LocalDateTime date;

I define the date format in my application.yml as shown below:

    date-format: "dd.MM.yyyy"

I am trying to use this format in my DTO field directly like below:

private LocalDateTime date;

Is it possible? Or do ı have to add a @Value field like below? I tried but cannot use this dateFormat in my date field.

private String dateFormat;
Honza Zidek

You have good tips here:

Either configure the default format, like

or configure the serializer:

public class MyJsonConfig {
    private String dateFormat;

    public Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer jsonCustomizer() {
        return builder -> {
            builder.serializers(new LocalDateSerializer(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(dateFormat)));
            builder.serializers(new LocalDateTimeSerializer(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(dateFormat)));

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