Test anonymous class in Junit or Groovy/Spock test

Jayesh :

I am trying to write units tests in Groovy/Spock and have to test the below code.

public class ClassA {
    private ClassB classB;

    private ClassC classC;

    private ClassD classD;

    public void update(final int a, final Map<String, Object> b) {
        classB.executeCommand(classC.callToMethodInClassC(), new InterfaceE<Void>() {
            public Void execute() {
                classD.update(a, b);
                return null;

Now when I write test code I am unable to reach classD.update(a, b); line. I know how to inject mocks/real object for ClassB, ClassC, ClassD, but unable to reach that statement. Please help.

Note: ClassA.update() & ClassD.update() have no relation between them except that their signatures match.

Renato :

Make your classB mock like this:

Mock(ClassB) {
    executeCommand(_, _) >> { c, e -> e.execute() }

I.e. provide a mock implementation for the executeCommand method of ClassB that actually calls the execute method of interfaceE.

EDIT: full working example:

import spock.lang.Specification

class TestMeSpec extends Specification {

    def "my test"() {
        def b = Mock( ClassB ) {
            executeCommand( _, _ ) >> { c, e -> e.execute() }
        def c = Mock( ClassC )
        def d = Mock( ClassD )

        def a = new ClassA( classB: b, classC: c, classD: d )

        a.update( 0, [ : ] )

        1 * d.update( 0, [ : ] )

class ClassA {
    ClassB classB
    ClassC classC
    ClassD classD

    void update( final int a, final Map<String, Object> b ) {
        classB.executeCommand( classC.callToMethodInClassC(), new InterfaceE<Void>() {
            Void execute() {
                classD.update( a, b )
        } )

class ClassB {
    void executeCommand( c, InterfaceE e ) {
        println "REAL CLASS B executCommand() METHOD RUNNING"

class ClassC {
    def callToMethodInClassC() {}

class ClassD {
    void update( a, b ) {
        println "REAL CLASS D update() method called with $a and $b"

interface InterfaceE<T> {
    T execute()

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