Trying to delete from database using HTTPDELETE does nothing

DS Assignment

I am learning to code in c# and I am developing an API application. My GET method works but I have issues with my DELETE, it returns a success code(200) but it does not delete from my database which is connected to my application. I am using the unit of work and repository patterns and my code is as follows:

Controller code:

        private readonly IOrderService _orderService;

        public OrdersController(IOrderService orderService)
            _orderService = orderService;         

        public async Task<ActionResult> RemoveOrder(int id)
                await _orderService.Delete(id);
                return StatusCode(200);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return StatusCode(500);


Service Interface

public interface IOrderService
        Task<Order> Get(int id);
        Task Add(Order order);
        Task Delete(int id);
        Task Update(int id, Order order);

        Task<IEnumerable<Order>> GetAllOrdersAsync();
        Task<IEnumerable<OrderDTO>> GetOrdersToCityAsync(string cityName);

        Task<OrderDTO> GetEmployeeOrdersToCountryAsync
    string countryName, string employeeLastName

Service class:

 public class OrderService : IOrderService
        private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
        public OrderService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
            _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
        public async Task Delete(int id)
                var order = await _unitOfWork.OrderRepository.Get(id);
                await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                await _unitOfWork.RollbackAsync();

Unit of work class:

public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
        private readonly NorthwindContext _db;
        private List<object> _customRepositories = new List<object>();
        private IProductRepository _productRepository;
        private IOrderRepository _orderRepository;
        public UnitOfWork(
            NorthwindContext db, 
            IProductRepository ProductRepository,
            IOrderRepository orderRepository
            _db = db;
            _productRepository = ProductRepository;
            _orderRepository = orderRepository;

uow interface:

    public interface IUnitOfWork
        IProductRepository ProductRepository { get; }

        IOrderRepository OrderRepository { get; }
        Task CommitAsync();
        Task RollbackAsync();

Order repository interface which extends my genericRepository:

    public interface IOrderRepository : IGenericRepository<Order>
        Task<IEnumerable<OrderDTO>> GetOrdersToCityAsync(string cityName);

        Task<OrderDTO> GetEmployeeOrdersToCountryAsync
            string countryName, string employeeLastName

Order repository:

   public class OrderRepository : GenericRepository<Order>, IOrderRepository
        private readonly NorthwindContext _northwindContext;
        public OrderRepository(NorthwindContext db) : base(db)
            _northwindContext = db;

generic repository:

    public class GenericRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T> where T : class
        protected readonly NorthwindContext _db;

        public GenericRepository(NorthwindContext db)
            _db = db;

        public void Delete(T entity)

Please ignore if the curly braces are not closed properly, in my application they are.

Daniel Efrén

Please check the following items:

  • Unit of work implementation calls SaveChanges() on CommitAsync implementation.
  • NorthwindContext object instance passed to repositories is the same instance as the one injected into UnitOfWork class. Otherwise you'll be working in different transactions.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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