Connect to OPCUA server with username and password


I am using UAExpert application and i am connecting to my machine with these settings: enter image description here

I want to connect to my device with python. I have this code but it doesn't work.

from opcua import Client

client = Client("opc.tcp://<ip>:4840")

I am getting this error:

raise ua.UaError("No matching endpoints: {0}, {1}".format(security_mode, policy_uri)) No matching endpoints: 2,


I think it's the issue of the certificate. So i found from UAExpert settings where it gets the certificate from. enter image description here I use the same path for cert.der but i don't know where i can find the key.pem


Ok so i made it work. This is my current code:

import asyncio
import opcua

async def main():
    client = opcua.Client("opc.tcp://<ip>:4840", timeout=60)
    client.application_uri = "urn:<ip>:UPS1600"  # Should match in your certificate
    struct = client.get_node("ns=3;i=100191")
    value= struct.get_value()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Where certificate.pem and key.pem i have created them from here

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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