How do I concatenate each element of different lists together?

['Barrett', 'Edan', '70', '45', '59', 'Bradshaw', 'Reagan', '96', '97', '88', 'Charlton', 'Caius', '73', '94', '80', 'Mayo', 'Tyrese', '88', '61', '36', 'Stern', 'Brenda', '90', '86', '45']

['F', 'A', 'B', 'D', 'C']

I want to combine sgrades_flat and s_grades to look like ...

['Barrett', 'Edan', '70', '45', '59', 'F',   
'Bradshaw', 'Reagan', '96', '97', '88', 'A'  
'Charlton', 'Caius', '73', '94', '80', 'B'   
'Mayo', 'Tyrese', '88', '61', '36', 'D'   
'Stern', 'Brenda', '90', '86', '45', 'C'] 

My current strategy is to use this code:

for i, x in zip(sgrades_flat[::5], s_grades):

but that output is:

['BarrettF', 'BradshawA', 'CharltonB', 'MayoD', 'SternC']
Jean-François Fabre

I would combine the list by iterating manually on them:

sgrades_flat=['Barrett', 'Edan', '70', '45', '59', 'Bradshaw', 'Reagan', '96', '97', '88', 'Charlton', 'Caius', '73', '94', '80', 'Mayo', 'Tyrese', '88', '61', '36', 'Stern', 'Brenda', '90', '86', '45']

s_grades=['F', 'A', 'B', 'D', 'C']

it1 = iter(sgrades_flat)
it2 = iter(s_grades)

result = []
    while True:
        for _ in range(5):

except StopIteration:



['Barrett', 'Edan', '70', '45', '59', 'F', 
 'Bradshaw', 'Reagan', '96', '97', '88', 'A',
 'Charlton', 'Caius', '73', '94', '80', 'B',
 'Mayo', 'Tyrese', '88', '61', '36', 'D', 
 'Stern', 'Brenda', '90', '86', '45', 'C']

(this still looks like a bad idea as a flat list is sub-optimal for such a data structure)

Note that a one-liner without any manual iteration also does the same:

import itertools
grouped_sgrades = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
       for i in range(0,len(sgrades_flat),5)))

however, why flatten the lists?

grouped_sgrades = [sgrades_flat[i:i+5]+[s_grades[i//5]] for i in range(0,len(sgrades_flat),5)]

result is a nice list of lists, which is approaching some structured data:

[['Barrett', 'Edan', '70', '45', '59', 'F'],
 ['Bradshaw', 'Reagan', '96', '97', '88', 'A'],
 ['Charlton', 'Caius', '73', '94', '80', 'B'],
 ['Mayo', 'Tyrese', '88', '61', '36', 'D'],
 ['Stern', 'Brenda', '90', '86', '45', 'C']]

Collected from the Internet

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