How can I extract color of image from PDF IText Java?

Bohdan Taran

I have images and I wanna to extract a color of them. How can I do it? I think I must do in overrided renderImage method something, but I don't have an Ideas.

image1 image2

Overrided renderImage method for extracting images.

Benziza Mohamed

To extract the color of an image from a PDF using IText and Java, you can use the PdfImageObject class to extract the raw image data from the PDF, and then use the BufferedImage class from the Java Image I/O API to create a buffered image from the raw data. From there, you can use the getRGB() method of the BufferedImage class to retrieve the color of a specific pixel in the image.

Here is an example of how you could implement this:

// Import the necessary classes
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

// Extract the raw image data from the PDF
PdfImageObject image = new PdfImageObject(imageBytes);

// Create a buffered image from the raw data
BufferedImage bufferedImage = image.getBufferedImage();

// Get the color of the pixel at coordinates (x, y)
int color = bufferedImage.getRGB(x, y);

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