Excel cut-n-paste behaviour

Alexei Danchenkov

I am using spreadsheets to quickly sort the garbled tables. For example, I have an address sheet with columns for region, city (republic, zipcode, address, etc.). Some cities are erroneously in the region column, so I filter out regions column to not include blank fields to quickly work on those and then cut some selected number of cells containing the city names.cutting the filtered cells

When I paste the clipboard to the cities column, even though I do not see it, the filtered-out regions (that I haven't seen) get copied to the city column. This destroy underlying city names, but I don't notice it until much later, when I suddenly discover region names in the city column.enter image description here

Is there a way to cut-and-paste only the cells in the filtered rows?


There are a plethora of ways to solve this problem. However, it looks like it is difficult to maintain the pasting structure of a non-continuous selection. So I would just use a worker column with cell logic:


Good Luck.

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