How to lookup multiple values based on multiple criteria in one cell?


I have a spreadsheet where I have used SEARCH() to get the possible linked ingredients from a match in a string. This sometimes leaves me with multiple possible matches. Now I would like to lookup the translated words of these possible matches using an INDEX MATCH. Except I cannot as cells have multiple values and therefore multiple criteria.

My question is: how can I lookup multiple values based on multiple criteria and have them in one cell?

An example as better explanation:

The table I have:

description productNameEN productNameIS
Red onion Onion, Red onion
Egg yolk Egg, Egg yolk
Lemon Lemon

And then I would like to fill the productNameIS column with the translations from another table, so that it looks like this:

description productNameEN productNameIS
Red onion Onion, Red onion Laukur, Rauðlaukur
Egg yolk Egg, Egg yolk Egg, Eggjarauða
Lemon Lemon Sítronu

This is a table example of the translations.

Egg Egg
Egg yolk Eggjarauða
Lemon Sítronu
Onion Laukur
Red onion Rauðlaukur

Now the INDEX MATCH works for the word lemon as this is singular, but not for the other cells. I need to keep the multiple values in one cell for further use in my spreadsheet.


One option:

enter image description here

Formula in C2:

=MAP(B2:B4,LAMBDA(a,TEXTJOIN(", ",,VLOOKUP(TEXTSPLIT(a,", "),F2:G6,2,0))))

Collected from the Internet

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