Wrong output in function

Thomas R. Hansen

Hi I'am totally new to programmering and i have just jumped into it.

The problem i am trying to solve is to make a function that standardized an adress as input.


def standardize_address(a):

    numbers =[]
    letters = []
    a.replace('_', ' ')
    for word in a.split():
        if word. isdigit():
            numbers. append(int(word))
        elif word.isalpha():
    s = f"{numbers} {letters}"
    return s

Can someone help me explain my error and give me a "pro" programmers solution and "noob" (myself) solution?

This is what i should print:

a = 'New_York 10001'
s = standardize_address(a)

and the output should be:

10001 New York 

Right now my output is:

[10001] ['New', 'York']


  • strings are immutable so you need to keep the replace result, so do a = a.replace('_', ' ') or chain it before the split call

  • You need to concatenate the lists into one numbers + letters then join the elements with " ".join()

  • don't convert the numeric to int, that's useless and would force you to convert them back to str in the " ".join

def standardize_address(a):
    numbers = []
    letters = []
    for word in a.replace('_', ' ').split():
        if word.isdigit():
        elif word.isalpha():
    return ' '.join(numbers + letters)


In fact you want to sort the words regarding the isdigit condition, so you can express that with a sort and the appropriate sorted

def standardize_address(value):
    return ' '.join(sorted(value.replace('_', ' ').split(),
                           key=str.isdigit, reverse=True))

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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