SQL How can I count the number of meetings for each client?


I have two tables Meeting and client. I have two foreign keys in the meeting table id_client1 and id_client2. How can I count the number of meetings that took place between clients?

I have such a query

SELECT client.id_client, count(meet.id_client1)count_meeting
FROM meet JOIN client ON meet.id_client1=client.id_client
GROUP BY  client.id_client;

But this query only count meeting client1. What can I do to count the meetings for both clients?

I would like such a result

id_client       count_meeting
  1                   3
  2                   1
  3                   2
Thorsten Kettner

You may want a union of the sets of clients:

SELECT id_client, COUNT(*)
  SELECT id_client1 AS id_client FROM meet
  SELECT id_client2 AS id_client FROM meet
) participants
GROUP BY id_client
ORDER BY id_client;

And if you want to include clients that didn't participate in any meeting:

SELECT c.id_client, COUNT(p.id_client)
FROM client c
  SELECT id_client1 AS id_client FROM meet
  SELECT id_client2 AS id_client FROM meet
) p ON p.id_client = c.id_client
GROUP BY c.id_client
ORDER BY c.id_client;

Collected from the Internet

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