How to get percentage difference between two columns of different DataFrames?


There are 2 DataFrames with coin pairs and float prices. Need to make new DataFrame with coin pairs and the price difference as a percentage.

First DataFrame in txt

Second DataFrame in txt

I tried this function, it didn't work

def get_diff():
    for i in df2['askPrice']:
        for x in df3['Low price']:
            i = float(i)
            x = float(x)
                if i > x:
                    res = (round(i) - round(x)) / round(x) * 100
            except ZeroDivisionError:

Let's put the desired calcultaions in a new list then transform it into a column within df3

diff = [((y-x)/x)*100 for (y, x) in zip(df2['askPrice'],df3['Low price'])] 

df3['diff'] = diff

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