Python Pandas Dataframe manipulation (Excel File)


I'm fairly new to Python and I have a issue with dataframe manipulation using EXCEL:

This is a snippet of the excel:

Excel Snippet

I was able to drop the duplicates for datetime rows, and get a dataframe with only the datatime rows and another with only the descriptions;

I was able to drop the last row as well:

drop duplicates

What I wanted to do is to 'shift' the column A with dates to column B for the row above.

If both Dataframes were 1-1 its easy, but I have a row (in yellow) that does not have any datetime below.

Anyone has any idea how to do it?

To be something like this> enter image description here

    df_cdms_labour = pd.read_excel(test_cdms,
                               names=['start_date', 'end_date', 'price','percent',
                                      'comment','rate',  'rate_comment','number_1','markup','markup_number'])


    def get_rate_text(df):

    def get_rates(df):
    flt = df.loc[:,'start_date'].apply(lambda x: isinstance(x, datetime))
    rates = get_rates(df_cdms_labour)

Here is a proposition using standard pandas frame's functions :

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def flag_delete(df):
    df.insert(0, "temp_col",  df.groupby("Col_A")["Col_A"].transform("count"))
    df.loc[df.pop("temp_col").eq(1), df.columns!="Col_A"] = "DELETE"
    return df

def format_dates(df):
    temp_df = df.select_dtypes('datetime64')
    df[temp_df.columns] = temp_df.apply(lambda x: x.dt.strftime('%d-%b-%Y'))
    return df

df= (
        pd.read_excel("BrunoA.xlsx", header=None, dtype=str)
            .assign(Col_A= lambda x: pd.Series(np.where(~x[0].str.contains("\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}", regex=True), x[0], np.NaN)).ffill(),
                    Col_B= lambda x: np.where(x[0].str.contains("\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}", regex=True), x[0], np.NaN))
            .apply(lambda _: pd.to_datetime(_, format='%Y-%m-%d', errors="ignore"))
            .rename(columns={"Col_A": -1, "Col_B": 0})


# Output :

enter image description here

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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