How to pass a variable to a sed command in a csh script?


Unix & Sed noob here!

I have a requirement where I need to put a suffix ",waive" in case a line in a report containing a matching string.The matching string is part of another file "waive.txt". I am also trying to perform these operations on a copy of the main report.

I am putting an example below

Here is how the report looks like:

i love apple_tart as a desert
banana is full of potassium and iron
there are so many helath benefits of apple eating 
the king of fruit is mango 
there are apple_pie of many variety

Here is how waive.txt looks like:


This is my expeted output which I want in the same file :

i love apple_tart as a desert
banana is full of potassium and iron,waive
there are so many helath benefits of apple eating 
the king of fruit is mango 
there are apple_pie of many variety,waive

This is the script I tried but it is giving Illegal variable name Error

#!/bin/csh -f
if (-r fruits_bkup.txt) then
  rm fruits_bkup.txt

yes|cp fruits.txt fruits_bkup.txt
foreach word ("`cat waiver.txt`")
  sed -i "/${word}/s/$/ ,waived/" fruits_bkup.txt 

If I replace the double quotes with a single quotes in the sed command, nothing happens to the report.


Was expecting:

i love apple_tart as a desert
banana is full of potassium and iron,waive
there are so many helath benefits of apple eating 
the king of fruit is mango 
there are apple_pie of many variety,waive

Got: Illegal variable name Error


Avoiding the quirks of the csh shell, we may solve this with a single awk command (which you may put into a csh script if you so wish). This also allows us to reduce the number of passes we need to make over the input file (we only need a single pass).

awk 'NR==FNR { query[++n] = $0; next } { for (i in query) if ($0 ~ query[i]) { $0 = $0 ",waive"; break } };1' waive.txt report.txt

The command first reads the lines of the first file, waive.txt, into the associative array query. When we reach the second file, report.txt, we iterate over the patterns in query and test each against the current line. If there is a match, we add ,waive to the end of the line and terminate the loop.

At the end, the trailing 1 causes the (possibly modified) line to be outputted.

Note that this uses the text from the first file as regular expressions. Would you want to do string comparisons instead, use index(query[i],$0) in place of $0 ~ query[i] in the code.

To write the result back to the original file, pipe the output to sponge report.txt, or redirect it to a new filename and then rename that new file to report.txt.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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