How can I turn the following text file into a nice RMarkDown table?


I have several .txt files that I would like to convert into a nice table in RMarkDown. An example of one would be a file containing the following text:

|name|Tin|Tout|Hin|Hout|DT min/2|alpha|

I have tried everything. The kable function returns nonsense, I have also tried readLines() and read.table() but no luck. I tried converting the .txt file contents into a dataframe with the function but I get a one-column dataframe with the .txt whole lines as rows, instead of 7 columns.

How would you do it ? I ran out of options here :/


Using read.table with sep="|" and some data cleaning you could do:

output: html_document
date: "2022-11-09"

dat <- read.table(text = "|name|Tin|Tout|Hin|Hout|DT min/2|alpha|
|airHEATER_5|78.49|85|0|104.97|5|1|", sep = "|", header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)

dat <- dat[-c(1, ncol(dat))]
dat <- dat[!grepl("^-", dat[[1]]), ]


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