What is the best way to check which object is returned from an API in typescript?


Stripe can return 3 different object types from as the customer. I want the customer id which is what is normally returned.

What I have below is pretty ugly.

Is there a better way to do this?

  const stripeCustomer: string | Stripe.Customer | Stripe.DeletedCustomer = checkoutSession.customer;
  let stripeCustomerId: string;

  if (stripeCustomer instanceof Object && "email" in stripeCustomer) {
    // customer is of type Stripe.Customer
      stripeCustomerId = stripeCustomer.id;
  } else if (typeof stripeCustomer === 'string') { 
    // customer is id
    stripeCustomerId = stripeCustomer;
  } else {
    // customer is of type Stripe.DeletedCustomer
    stripeCustomerId = null;

You can use a user-defined type guards, which let your plug your own custom type-checking logic into the type system.

When they're true for an object, they inform the flow-sensitive typing that the object has the specified type:

function isStripeCustomer(object: any): object is Stripe.Customer {
    return object instanceof Object 
       && "object" in object 
       && object.object === 'customer' 
       && !object.deleted

function isStripCustomerID(object: any): object is string {
    return typeof object === "string"

function isStripeDeletedCustomer(object: any): object is Stripe.DeletedCustomer {
    return object instanceof Object
       && "object" in object 
       && object.object === 'customer' 
       && object.deleted

const customer: string | Stripe.Customer | Stripe.DeletedCustomer = checkoutSession.customer;

let stripeCustomerId: string | null

if (isStripeCustomer(customer)) {
    stripeCustomerId = customer.id
} else if (isStripCustomerID(customer)) { 
    stripeCustomerId = customer;
} else if (isStripeDeletedCustomer(customer) {
    stripeCustomerId = null;
} else {
    // It was none of the known types. Perhaps a new type of result was
    // add in a future version of their API?


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