Why can I run my app VSCode but not correctly in CLI?, its a spring boot application

youzine :

I'm building a web application in spring boot.

The development environment is Gradle and I am using visual studio code.

I'm using visual studio code's debug function, spring boot dashboard, and when I start the application, the page is displayed correctly, but when I make the web application a jar file and run it with java -jar, it doesn't work with some page transitions.

Please tell me what I should do to make it work and what is happening. (I think that spring boot can't find the some path, but I don't know what is and how to fix it.)

Here's the page I was on when I accessed 「localhost:8080/gallery」

Whitelabel Error Page

This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
Tue Sep 01 23:09:16 JST 2020
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).

The following is the error I get when I use java -jar to access a specific gallery page.

2020-09-01 23:09:14.129  INFO 15464 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet        : Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2020-09-01 23:09:14.143  INFO 15464 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet        : Completed initialization in 14 ms
Check image file path
2020-09-01 23:09:16.656 ERROR 15464 --- [nio-8080-exec-6] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].[dispatcherServlet]    : Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException] with root cause

java.lang.NullPointerException: null
        at com.example.sweepea.GetImage.getImage(GetImage.java:23) ~[classes!/:na]
        at com.example.sweepea.swepeaController.getGallery(swepeaController.java:21) ~[classes!/:na]
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:na]
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[na:na]
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[na:na]

The methods in the controller class are as follows. 「index」and「about」is work.

    public String getIndex(){
        return "index";

    public String getGallery(Model model){
            List<String> imagePath = new GetImage().getImage(new File("src/main/resources/static/images"));
            model.addAttribute("imagePath", imagePath);
            return "gallery";

    public String getAbout(){
            return "about";

GetImage class are as follw. It is get .jpg images , add List and return.

public class GetImage {
    String month = "202009";
    List<String> pathname = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<String> getImage(File file){
        File[] filelist = file.listFiles();

        if(filelist == null){
            System.out.println("Check image file path");

        for (File tmpFile : filelist){
                month = tmpFile.getName();
                String imagePath = "images/" + month + "/" + tmpFile.getName();
                if(imagePath.substring(imagePath.length() - 3).equals("jpg")){

        return pathname;


        <div id="content">
            <header class="page_header wrapper" >
                <h1><a th:href="@{'/index'}"><img class="logo" th:src="@{images/logo.svg}" alt=""></a></h1>
                <nav class="main_nav">
                        <ii><a th:href="@{'/index'}">TOP</a></ii>
                        <ii><a th:href="@{'/gallery'}">GALLERY</a></ii>
                        <ii><a th:href="@{'/about'}">ABOUT</a></ii>
                <div class="edition">
                    <p>sub title</p>
            <h2 class="mounth">Gallery</h2>
            <div class="grid item">
                    <a th:each="image : ${imagePath}" th:href="@{${image}}"><img th:src="@{${image}}" alt=""></a>



source tree is like that

└── src
    ├── main
    │   ├── java
    │   │   └── com
    │   │       └── example
    │   │           └── sweepea
    │   │               ├── DemoApplication.java
    │   │               ├── GetImage.java
    │   │               ├── Test.java
    │   │               └── swepeaController.java
    │   └── resources
    │       ├── application.properties
    │       ├── static
    │       │   ├── logo.svg
    │       │   ├── images
    │       │   │   ├── 201910
    │       │   │   │   ├── 1.jpg
    │       │   │   ├── 201911
    │       │   │   ├── 201912
    │       │   │   │   ├── 1.jpg
    │       │   │   ├── 202001
    │       │   │   ├── 202002
    │       │   │   │   ├── 1.jpg
    │       │   │   ├── 202003
    │       │   │   │   ├── 1.jpg
    │       │   │   ├── 202004
    │       │   │   │   ├── 1.jpg
    │       │   │   ├── 202005
    │       │   │   │   ├── 1.jpg
    │       │   │   ├── 202006
    │       │   │   ├── 202007
    │       │   │   ├── 202008
    │       │   │   │   ├── 1.jpg
    │       │   │   ├── 202009
    │       │   │   ├── logo.svg
    │       │   │   └── logo_favicon.png
    │       │   └── style.css
    │       └── templates
    │           ├── about.html
    │           ├── gallery.html
    │           ├── index.html
    │           └── video.html
    └── test
        └── java
            └── com
                └── example
                    └── sweepea
                        └── DemoApplicationTests.java
GreyFairer :

If you package you application in a jar, it's no longer dependent on the source code.

If you start your application using java -jar ... in another folder or on another server, then new File("src/main/resources/static/images") will no longer work.

I think it will work when you execute java -jar ... in the root folder of your project, but that's probably not a long-term solution.

Maven considers the src/main/resources folder as an input folder for files that need to be included in the jar, so after packaging, those files will be available from java as getClass().getResource("/static/images/202008/1.jpg"), and that's how they will be served in Spring Boot (using the ResourceHttpRequestHandler, without the static/ prefix).

If you want to add images later without having to rebuild and repackage your application, it's better to use an absolute server path like "C:\gallery\images" or "/opt/gallery/images".

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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