How to get Microsoft Graph API token to read mails

Onur Baskin

I'm trying to retrieve mails from my organization's mailbox, and I can do that via Graph Explorer. However, when I use the same information that I used in Graph Explorer, the generated token returns an error stating '/me request is only valid with delegated authentication flow.' in me/messages endpoint.

So, how can I generate the acceptable token for the /me endpoint?

An example python code or example Postman request would be amazing.


It sounds like the endpoint you're using in Graph Explorer is something like this

/me is referring to the user signed into Graph Explorer. If you want to read another user's messages you would use[email protected]/messages

When connecting to Graph API as an application with no user interaction, you can never use /me endpoints, as there's no user logged in.


Python example to list messages

import requests

def get_messages(access_token, user):

    request_url = f"{user}/messages"

    request_headers = {
        "Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token

    result = requests.get(url = request_url, headers = request_headers)

msgs = get_messages(access_token = token['access_token'], user = "[email protected]")


Additional example of obtaining a token, using an app registration and client secret

import msal

def get_token_with_client_secret(client_id, client_secret, tenant_id):
    # This function is to obtain a bearer token using the client credentials flow, with a client secret instead of a certificate
    app = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(
        client_id         = client_id,
        client_credential = client_secret,
        authority         = f"{tenant_id}")

    scopes = [""]

    token = app.acquire_token_for_client(scopes = scopes)


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