How to inject config properties in Spring Boot to Spring Retry annotation?

marcterenzi :

In spring boot application, I define some config properties in yaml file as below. = 10 = 500L

And an example bean

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "")
public class ConfigProperties {
  private int maxAttempts;
  private long backOffDelay;

  public int getMaxAttempts() {
    return maxAttempts;

  public void setMaxAttempts(int maxAttempts) {
    this.maxAttempts = maxAttempts;

  public void setBackOffDelay(long backOffDelay) {
    this.backOffDelay = backOffDelay;

  public long getBackOffDelay() {
    return backOffDelay;

How can I inject the values of and to Spring Retry annotation? In the example below, I want to replace the value 10 of maxAttempts and 500Lof backoff value with the corresponding references of config properties.

@Retryable(maxAttempts=10, include=TimeoutException.class, backoff=@Backoff(value = 500L))
VelNaga :

Staring from spring-retry-1.2.0 we can use configurable properties in @Retryable annotation.

Use "maxAttemptsExpression", Refer the below code for usage,

 @Retryable(maxAttemptsExpression = "#{${}}",
 backoff = @Backoff(delayExpression = "#{${ backOffDelay}}"))

It will not work if you use any version less than 1.2.0.Also you don't require any configurable property classes.

Collected from the Internet

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