Pointcut not working with Spring AOP

a-sak :

In order to implement Logging using Spring AOP I followed these simple steps. But it seems like its not working. Any help would be useful

1) Created MyLoggingAspect class

    import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;

public class MyLoggingAspect

    public MyLoggingAspect() {
        System.out.println("Instantiated MyLoggingAspect");     

    public Object log(ProceedingJoinPoint call) throws Throwable
        System.out.println("from logging aspect: entering method [" + call.toShortString()
                            +"] with param:"+call.getArgs()[0] );

        Object point =  call.proceed();

        System.out.println("from logging aspect: exiting method [" + call.toShortString()   
                            + "with return as:" +point);        

        return point;


2) Created a class (TixServiceImpl) where I want logging

public class TixServiceImpl implements TixService{

    public void calculateSomething() {
        String s = "did some calculation..";

    public String getTixName() {
        return null;

3) Created a spring-aspectj.xml file

    <bean id="LoggingAspect"  class = "MyLoggingAspect"/>
          <aop:aspect ref="LoggingAspect">
             <aop:pointcut id="myCutLogging"
                    expression="execution(* TixService*.*(..))"/>
             <aop:around pointcut-ref="myCutLogging" method="log"/>

4) Created a simple test client (TixClient)

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.FileSystemXmlApplicationContext;

public class TixClient {

    public static void main(String[] a){

        ApplicationContext context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("conf/spring-aspectj.xml");

        TixService tix = new TixServiceImpl();
        String s = tix.getTixName();

        System.out.println("End of the the client invocation!!"); 

5) It gives me the following Output

Instantiated MyLoggingAspect
did some calculation..
End of the the client invocation!!
Scott Bale :

I'm just inspecting your code, but I have a hunch the problem is that you're not getting your TixServiceImpl instance from Spring, but rather you're manually instantiating it yourself in your TixClient. I'm thinking your TixService needs to be a Spring bean, gotten from the Spring ApplicationContext, so that Spring has a chance to set up the aspects on the returned instance.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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