How to use generic type and union types in typescript


I have a class, and when I initialize it, I pass in a value, or an object about the value

for example

new Field<string>('test')
new Field<string>({value: 'test', inactive: 'preview'})

but state.value is error. (Property 'value' does not exist on type 'FieldState'. Property 'value' does not exist on type 'T'.ts(2339))

interface BoxedValue<T> {
  value: T 
  inactive: 'disabled'| 'preview'| 'hidden'

type FieldState<T> = BoxedValue<T> | T

class Field<T> {
  value: T
  _pendingValue: T

  constructor(state: FieldState<T>) {
    if(typeof state === 'object') {
      this.value = this._pendingValue = state.value
    } else {
      this.value = this._pendingValue = state

thank your solution,I amend the code, but I have a new problem Now.

class Field<T> {
  value: T
  _pendingValue: T

  constructor(state: FieldState<T>) {
    if(this._isBoxedValue(state)) {
      this.value = this._pendingValue = state.value // Property 'value' does not exist on type 'FieldState<T>'.Property 'value' does not exist on type 'T'.
    } else {
      this.value = this._pendingValue = state
      // Type 'FieldState<T>' is not assignable to type 'T'.
      // T' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'FieldState<T>'.
     // Type 'BoxedValue<T>' is not assignable to type 'T'.
     // 'T' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'BoxedValue<T>'
  _isBoxedValue(state: FieldState<T>): boolean{
    return typeof state === 'object' && state !== null &&
      Object.keys(state).length === 2 && 'value' in state && 'inactive' in state;

Why do I make a mistake when I put the judgment condition in the isboxedvalue function, but not in the constructor?


You should use in operator. Using typeof state ==='object' can only guarantee that state is of object type(if the value of state is null, it's a object type as well), but cannot guarantee that it has a value property.

The in operator also acts as a narrowing expression for types.

interface BoxedValue<T> {
  value: T 
  inactive: 'disabled'| 'preview'| 'hidden'

type FieldState<T> = BoxedValue<T> | T

class Field<T> {
  value: T
  _pendingValue: T

  constructor(state: FieldState<T>) {
    if('value' in state) {
      this.value = this._pendingValue = state.value
    } else {
      this.value = this._pendingValue = state


You should use User-Defined Type Guards for _isBoxedValue method. The return type state is BoxedValue<T> is a type predicate, NOT boolean.


interface BoxedValue<T> {
  value: T 
  inactive: 'disabled'| 'preview'| 'hidden'

type FieldState<T> = BoxedValue<T> | T

class Field<T> {
  value: T
  _pendingValue: T

  constructor(state: FieldState<T>) {
    if(this._isBoxedValue(state)) {
      this.value = this._pendingValue = state.value;
    } else {
      this.value = this._pendingValue = state;
  _isBoxedValue(state: FieldState<T>): state is BoxedValue<T>{
    return typeof state === 'object' && state !== null &&
      Object.keys(state).length === 2 && 'value' in state && 'inactive' in state;

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