Gradle Jacoco - Could not find method jacocoTestReport()

Guido :

I'm trying to generate a Jacoco test report in Gradle. When I try to sync my code, I will receive the following error:

Error:(56, 0) Could not find method jacocoTestReport() for arguments [build_38ehqsoyd54r3n1gzrop303so$_run_closure4@10012308] on project ':app' of type org.gradle.api.Project.

My build.gradle file contains the following items:

apply plugin: 'jacoco'

jacoco {
    toolVersion = ""
    reportsDir = file("$buildDir/reports/jacoco")

jacocoTestReport {
    group = "Reporting"
    reports {
        xml.enabled true
        csv.enabled false
        html.destination "${buildDir}/reports/coverage"

When I look at the documentation , I don't see anything which I'm doing wrong.

Gradle version: 3.3

Why am I receiving this error and how can I fix it?

Christopher :

Basically I know two ways to achieve this.

The first approach is the built-in android gradle plugin feature:

android { 
    buildTypes { 
       debug { 
          testCoverageEnabled = true 

This one will define gradle tasks, which can be executed. As far as I know this works fine with instrumentation tests. More information: Code Coverage on Android

The 2nd approach is to use this plugin:

Setup is easy:

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
         classpath 'com.vanniktech:gradle-android-junit-jacoco-plugin:0.6.0'

apply plugin: ''

And after project sync, you will have tasks like jacocoTestReport<Flavor><BuildType>

We use this to measure the code coverage of our unit tests running on the local machine.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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