Extract multiple Strings between two String in PHP


I am trying to make this work but I can't:

$str = "<html>1</html><html>2</html><html>3</html>";
$matches = array(); 
preg_match_all("(?<=<html>)(.*?)(?=</html>)", $str, $matches);

foreach ($matches as $d)
   echo $d;

What I am doing wrong? The output must be:


This should work for you:

$str = "<html>1</html><html>2</html><html>3</html>";
preg_match_all("~(?<=<html>).*?(?=</html>)~", $str, $matches);

foreach ($matches[0] as $d) {
   echo $d;



Changes are:

  • Use missing regex delimiters ~ in preg_match_all function pattern
  • Remove capturing group since you are already using lookahead and lookbehind so entire match can be used in further processing
  • Using $matches[0] in foreach loop instead of $matches
  • There is no need to declare/initialize $matches before preg_match_all call

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