Align a JLabel with the text of a JCheckBox

finnw :

Is there a look-and-feel-independent way to align a component (e.g. a JLabel) horizontally with the text of a JCheckBox?

I am trying to use values from the UIDefaults to predict the location of the text relative to the top-left corner of the JCheckBox. I have found a combination that gives the right result for the Metal, Windows, Motif and Aqua Look-and-Feels:
Example: Metal (correctly-aligned)

But not in Nimbus:
Example: Nimbus (incorrectly-aligned)

Is there a utility method somewhere that will reliably give X,Y offsets for the text in all Look-and-Feels?

Code (note: to avoid any layout side-effects I used a null layout for this test):

import java.awt.Insets;

import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.border.Border;

public class AlignCheckBoxText extends JApplet {

    public AlignCheckBoxText() {
        checkBox = new JCheckBox("Hello, World!");
        label = new JLabel("Hello, World!");

    protected void validateTree() {
        checkBox.setLocation(0, 0);
        int labelX = UIManager.getIcon("CheckBox.icon").getIconWidth();
        Insets cbInsets = UIManager.getInsets("CheckBox.margin");
        if (cbInsets != null) labelX += cbInsets.left + cbInsets.right;
        Border cbBorder = UIManager.getBorder("CheckBox.border");
        if (cbBorder != null) {
            Insets borderInsets = cbBorder.getBorderInsets(checkBox);
            if (borderInsets != null) {
                labelX += borderInsets.left; 
        label.setLocation(labelX, checkBox.getHeight());

    private JCheckBox checkBox;
    private JLabel label;

Geoffrey Zheng :

(To OP: please unaccept my earlier wrong answer, and I'll delete it. Sorry!)

You can use a checkbox that doesn't paint the checkbox for your labels. This works for all LAFs in Windows JDK6, including Nimbus. I don't have a mac so can't test Aqua.

class CheckBoxLabel extends JCheckBox
    public CheckBoxLabel(String string)

    public void updateUI()
        setUI(new CheckBoxLabelUI());

class CheckBoxLabelUI extends BasicCheckBoxUI
    public void installUI(JComponent c)
        Icon i = super.getDefaultIcon();
        icon_ = new EmptyIcon(i.getIconWidth(), i.getIconHeight());

    public Icon getDefaultIcon()
        return icon_;

    private Icon icon_;

class EmptyIcon implements Icon
    public EmptyIcon()
        this(0, 0);

    public EmptyIcon(int width, int height)
        width_ = width;
        height_ = height;

    public int getIconHeight()
        return height_;

    public int getIconWidth()
        return width_;

    public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y)

    private int width_;
    private int height_;

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