Why does the loop start after I enter the first value for team A even though it's less than 15?


Why does the loop start after I enter the first value for team A even though it's less than 15? After I enter the first value it doesn't go to the next loop where I am supposed to enter the value again until it reaches 15.

team_a = int(input("Please enter the score for team A: ")) 
team_b = int(input("Please enter the score for team B: "))  
team_a_score = 0 
team_b_score = 0 
Round = 0  
total_score = 15  

while total_score>team_a_score:


  if total_score<team_a_score: 
print("the game is over")

Now you enter values only one time.
If you want to enter values in loop it should look like this:

team_a_score = 0 
team_b_score = 0 
Round = 0  
total_score = 15  

while total_score>team_a_score:
    team_a = int(input("Please enter the score for team A: ")) 
    team_b = int(input("Please enter the score for team B: "))  

    if total_score<team_a_score: 
print("the game is over")

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