binding with property not working in Angular


lets assume the app component has defined the variable for the value in the input but every time the event for the button has been triggered the string is printed at empty and the binding doesnt seem to work at all

export class AppComponent {
  numVal =1235;
  cssClass= 'hello';
  title = 'AngularAppTest';


and the html can be either this

 <input type="text" value={{textVal}} />
<button (click)="onClickBtn()">Check Binding</button>
<span style="display: block;">Value: {{textVal}}</span>


<input type="text" [value]=textVal />
<button (click)="onClickBtn()">Check Binding</button>
<span style="display: block;">Value: {{textVal}}</span>
Naren Murali

Below is my best representation for you to understand binding,

[value] <- update html from ts (single binding)

(value) <- update ts from html (single binding)

[(value)] <- update ts from html and vice versa (double binding)


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
export class AppComponent {
  numVal = 1235;
  cssClass = 'hello';
  title = 'AngularAppTest';

  textVal: String = '';
  textVal2: String = '';
  textVal3: String = '';
  textVal4: String = 'asdf';
  onClickBtn() {
  onClickBtn1() {
  onClickBtn2() {
  onClickBtn3() {

  updateValue(event) {
    this.textVal2 =;

  updateValue3(event) {
    this.textVal4 =;

  updateValue2(value) {
    this.textVal3 = value;


<!-- double binding -->
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="textVal" />
<button (click)="onClickBtn()">Check Binding</button>
<span style="display: block;">Value: {{ textVal }}</span>

<!-- single binding updating model with event wihtout ngmodel -->
<input type="text" [value]="textVal2" (input)="updateValue($event)" />
<button (click)="onClickBtn2()">Check Binding</button>
<span style="display: block;">Value: {{ textVal2 }}</span>

<!-- single binding updating model with event with ngmodel and ngmodelchange-->
<button (click)="onClickBtn3()">Check Binding</button>
<span style="display: block;">Value: {{ textVal3 }}</span>

<!-- single binding updating model with event with double quotes-->
<input type="text" value="{{ textVal4 }}" (input)="updateValue3($event)" />
<button (click)="onClickBtn4()">Check Binding</button>
<span style="display: block;">Value: {{ textVal4 }}</span>

forked stackblitz

Collected from the Internet

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