Typescript/Angular: Object is not Assignable to type

Rafael Picolo

so I'm using ngx-charts for my project and currently I'm stuck in a seemingly dull error on my end of the typescript code. I have tested the following data and it is working as expected:

export var productSalesMulti = [
  name: 'Cotação',
  series: [
      name: '0',
      value: 10,
      name: '1',
      value: 20,
      name: '2',
      value: 30,
      name: '3',
      value: 20,
      name: '4',
      value: 40,
      name: '5',
      value: 30,
      name: '6',
      value: 10,
      name: '7',
      value: 15,
      name: '8',
      value: 35,
      name: '9',
      value: 50,
      name: '10',
      value: 35,
      name: '11',
      value: 40,


The input of my component is looking like: enter image description here

But I`m getting the following error:

Error: src/app/shared/components/grafico-ibovespa/grafico-ibovespa.component.ts:40:5 - error TS2322: Type '{ name: string; series: { name: string; value: number; }[]; }[]' is not assignable to type '[{ name: String; series: [{ name: String; value: number; }]; }]'. Target requires 1 element(s) but source may have fewer.

40 this.ibovespaGraphData = productSalesMulti;

So I know that my input declaration is wrong, but I'm seeing where the problem is. I know I could just write: @Input() ibovespaGraphData : any[] and it would work, but for sake of readability I would rather not to. Thank you in advance for helping.

Passionate Coder

You have wrongly added type to ibovespaGraphData it is considered as value in your code and type infered different. It should be like below

ibovespaGraphData : Array<{
  name: string;
  series: Array<{
    name: string;
    value: number;

or like this

ibovespaGraphData  : {
  name: string;
  series: {
    name: string;
    value: number;

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