How can I extract a portion of text from all lines of a file?


I have these sequences:


And I'd like to get only the aminoacid sequences, like this:


I have wrote this script so far:

with open("example_val.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
        if line.startswith(""):
            line = line[:-1]
        print(line.split(":", 1))

Nevertheless, I got only the original sequences. Please give me some advice.


Regex solution:

import re

with open("example_val.txt") as f:

Regex Explanation:

  • (?<=>) : is a positive lookbehind which finds the > character before our match
  • [a-zA-Z]*: : matches zero or more of characters present in a-z and A-Z with the colon at the end

Test in Regex101 :

Collected from the Internet

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