How do I copy both the values and background color of a filtered range in Google Sheets App Script?

Jorge O

The goal of this script is to basically filter out a specific range based on cell value and copy it onto another sheet, carrying over both the cell value and the cell background colors. I have a script that filters by cell value, and copies the filtered values onto another sheet, which is what I've included in this post, but I can't figure out how to change this to also carry over the cell color for this range.

A copy of the sheet I'm working with

const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("places");
const rng = sheet.getRange(2,1,sheet.getLastRow(),33).getValues();

function filterAlternatives(){

  let Criteria1 = "Chicago";
  let Criteria2 = "Alternatives";
  let Criteria3 = "Approved";
  let Criteria4 = "Field Check";

  let FData = rng.filter(function(e){
    return e[7] == Criteria1
    && e[19] == Criteria2
    && (e[15] == Criteria3 || e[15] == Criteria4)

  let newSheet = ss.insertSheet(Criteria2);
  let headers = sheet.getRange("A1:AG1").getValues();


I haven't tested it but I believe it should work.

Change your filter to also collect the background colors. Then add the backgrounds to the newsheet.

let backGrounds =[];
let FData = rng.filter(function(e,i){
  if( ( e[7] == Criteria1 )
  &&  ( e[19] == Criteria2 )
  &&  ( ( e[15] == Criteria3 ) || ( e[15] == Criteria4 ) ) {
    return true;
  return false;


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