@@RowCount return 1 even the previous select condition was False


I have this simple code

declare @a int, @b int 
select @a=sum(1), @b=1 from syscolumns where 1 = 2
select @@rowcount, @a, @b

The result is : @@rowcount=1, @a=null, @b=1

@a = null is fine to me, but how come @@rowcount and @b=1

SQLFiddle : https://rextester.com/PKCB94229

Martin Smith

This is because scalar aggregates (no GROUP BY) always return one row even on an empty input (assuming no HAVING clause eliminates it)

select sum(1) from syscolumns where 1 = 2 returns a resultset with one row, so @@ROWCOUNT is correctly reported as 1.

If you want to count the input rows from a query that assigns scalar aggregates to variables then assigning COUNT(*) to another variable would be simplest.

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