Xcode Swift Import Code Within "an App Target" vs. "a Framework Target" -- What is difference?

Doug Null

I'm importing two .swift files into an existing ObjC app.

The Apple document "Importing Swift into Objective-C" lists these two choices but I don't understand their difference.

I don't know the difference between "App Target" and "Framework Target".

I created an Xcode app project and not a framework project. Is that the difference?

Duncan C

A framework target means that your project compiles your code into a library which can then be consumed by other programs. CocoaPods are examples of frameworks.

A project can contain multiple targets. It's possible to have your project define a framework and provide the source files for that framework, and also build an application as a separate target (normally you'd do this when your application consumes the framework(s) that it builds)

Unless you are building your own frameworks, you should pick "App Target".

Collected from the Internet

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