Python Selenium - How to extract element based on text inside span tag?

yash agarwal

I am extracting some data from URL with unstructured Product Details elements.

Using this code:

 product_details = wd.find_elements(by=By.XPATH, value="//div[@class='ProductAttribute__ProductAttributesDescription-sc-dyoysr-2 lnLDYa']")
 info_shelf_life = product_details[0].text.strip()
 info_country_of_origin = product_details[1].text.strip()

As you can see the Product details elements are unstructured and this approach is not suitable when the Index gets changed from URL to URL

Hence tried this approach, which throws out a NoSuchWindowException error.

info_shelf_life = wd.find_element(By.XPATH,value= "//div[[contains(@class, 'ProductAttribute__ProductAttributesDescription-sc-dyoysr-2 lnLDYa') and contains(., 'Shelf Life')]/..")

How can I extract text inside div based on text inside span tags?


Your XPath is invalid. You can try

info_shelf_life = wd.find_element(By.XPATH, '//p[span="Shelf Life"]/following-sibling::div').text
info_country_of_origin = wd.find_element(By.XPATH, '//p[span="Country of Origin"]/following-sibling::div').text

to get required data

Collected from the Internet

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