C++ Template Parameter sizeof Returns Incorrect Result


That way I can find the number of elements in an array. However, when I put this int array as a template as a parameter, the result is not calculated correctly

int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int size_arr  =  sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

I add an INT Array to the List as a parameter with the type template.

template <typename listType, typename arrayX>
 listType  addList(listType e , arrayX array)
     int        sizeOf = sizeof(array);
     int        sizeOfperOne = sizeof(array[0]);
     int        arrSize =  sizeOf   /   sizeOfperOne        ;
     cout << "Total Byte :  " << sizeOf << "     BytePerUnit : " << sizeOfperOne << " arrSize : " << arrSize<< endl;
     for (int i = 0; i <  arrSize; i++)
    return e;

And the other Template and Method in created to print this List content

template    <typename T>
void print(T& t, string name)
    typename T::iterator i = t.begin();
    cout << name << "\tMembers  ==>>>   ";
    while (i != t.end())
        if (i == t.begin())
            cout << *i++;
            cout << " - " << *i++;
    cout << endl;

int main() 
    int mlArray[] = { 1,2,3,4,5};
    list<int>   MasterListe ;
    MasterListe = addList(MasterListe, mlArray);
    cout << "MasterListe SizeOf :    " << MasterListe.size() << endl;
    print(MasterListe, "MasterList      : ");
    return 0;

Total Byte : 8 BytePerUnit : 4 arrSize : 2

MasterListe SizeOf : 2
MasterList : Members ==>>> 1 - 2

Array is filled with numbers 1,2,3,4,5, although 5 units are passed, the return value is 1 and 2.

I may also want to create the list that I am currently using in the INT type from the class below.


class TradeList
            int      PosTicket  ;
            strinh   Pairs      ;
            double   OpenPrice  ;
            double   StopLoss   ;
            double   TakeProfit ;

Believe me, I couldn't find a solution to this through my research.

Thank you so much for your help.


The main issue is that arrays decay to pointers, thus the values of sizeof() in your template function addList actually is attempting to get sizeof(int *).

If all that addList does is add items to the std::list, there are generic ways to do this without need to create another function.

One way is to use std::copy_n:

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>

class TradeList
        int      PosTicket  ;
        std::string   Pairs      ;
        double   OpenPrice  ;
        double   StopLoss   ;
        double   TakeProfit ;

int main()
    TradeList mlArray[5];
    std::list<TradeList>   MasterListe;
    std::copy_n(mlArray, std::size(mlArray), std::inserter(MasterListe, MasterListe.end()));
    std::cout << MasterListe.size();



Collected from the Internet

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