Rendering Material-UI icons from an array


Background info:
I'm using react and material-ui.
To keep the code clean, I populate menu items from a const array, like so:

const menuItems = [
  { label: "Home", path: "/home" },
  { label: "Accounts", path: "/accounts" },
  { label: "Organizations", path: "/organizations" },

Each item in the array is an object containing a label and a redirect path. I map over the items when rendering. Very basic.

I would like to include a material-ui icon component in the menuItems array so the icon can be rendered next to the label. But I can't find a way to reference the icons by a name string

Possible solutions:

  1. put the icon component into a string: { label: "Accounts", path: "/accounts" }, icon: "<AccountBox/>"} but then I somehow need to evaluate the string into jsx. I don't know how.

  2. Make a react functional component which renders a different icon depending on a prop, for example: <IconSwitch icon = {"accountIcon"} /> and hard-code different icons inside the RFC. Not pretty, but should work.

  3. Punt and use different icons such as svg icons or font icons that can referenced by a name string.

Any suggestions on how to do this? Thanks

Zachary Haber

You can use the Icon component.

To use an icon simply wrap the icon name (font ligature) with the Icon component, for example:

import Icon from '@material-ui/core/Icon';


Assuming you set up your menu items with the appropriate icon ligatures:

  const menuItems = [
    { label: "Home", path: "/home", icon: "home" },
    { label: "Accounts", path: "/accounts", icon: "account_circle" },
    { label: "Organizations", path: "/organizations", icon: "settings" }

Then you can map over them:

      {{ label, icon }) => {
        return (
          <span key={label}>
            {label} <Icon>{icon}</Icon>

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