Why aren't these two strings equivalent? C


I'm currently working my way through CS50x and just tinkering around with some of the practice problems from Week 1 and testing the limits of my knowledge. Could someone help me understand why the two strings "my_month" and "your_month" aren't equal?

I've tested it and if I print the string for "my_month" it prints "October" - but if I enter "October" for "your_month" it doesn't seem to think that it is equivalent to the string in the array.

string month [] = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};
string my_month = month [9];
string your_month = get_string("What month were you born? ");

if (your_month == my_month)
    printf("%s\n", your_month);

The reason is because technically they aren't equal. When you use '==' on strings, what you are comparing is their addresses.

To compare the contents of 2 string you have you have to use strcmp().

So your code should look like this:

if (strcmp(your_month, my_month) == 0)
    printf("%s\n", your_month);

strcmp() works by comparing each character's ASCII value. So it can also tell you if the first string is "more" or "less" than the second one.

For example:

strcmp("lol", "LOL");

Will return a value bigger than 0 which means the ASCII values of "lol" are higher than those of "LOL"

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