Color gradient in C


I'm taking my first steps in C, and was trying to make a gradient color function, that draws a bunch of rectangles to the screen (vertically). This is the code so far:

void draw_gradient(uint32_t start_color, uint32_t end_color) {
    int steps = 8;
    int draw_height = window_height / 8;
    //Change this value inside the loop to write different color
    uint32_t loop_color = start_color;

    for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
        draw_rect(0, i * draw_height, window_width, draw_height, loop_color);

Ignoring the end_color for now, I want to try and pass a simple red color in like 0xFFFF0000 (ARGB)..and then take the red 'FF' and convert it to an integer or decrease it using the loop_color variable.

I'm not sure how to go get the red value from the hexcode and then minipulate it as a number and then write it back to hex..any ideas?

So in 8 steps the code should for example go in hex from FF to 00 or as integer from 255 to 0.


As you have said, your color is in RGB format. This calculation assumes vertical gradient - meaning from top to the bottom (linear lines).

Steps to do are:

  • Get number of lines to draw; this is your rectangle height
  • Get A, R, G, B color components from your start and end colors
uint8_t start_a = start_color >> 24;
uint8_t start_r = start_color >> 16;
uint8_t start_g = start_color >> 8;
uint8_t start_b = start_color >> 0;
uint8_t end_a = end_color >> 24;
uint8_t end_r = end_color >> 16;
uint8_t end_g = end_color >> 8;
uint8_t end_b = end_color >> 0;
  • Calculate step for each of the components
float step_a = (float)(end_a - start_a) / (float)height;
float step_r = (float)(end_r - start_r) / (float)height;
float step_g = (float)(end_g - start_g) / (float)height;
float step_b = (float)(end_b - start_b) / (float)height;
  • Run for loop and apply different step for each color
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
    uint32_t color = 0 |
        ((start_a + i * step_a) & 0xFF) << 24 |
        ((start_r + i * step_r) & 0xFF) << 16 |
        ((start_g + i * step_g) & 0xFF) << 8 |
        ((start_b + i * step_b) & 0xFF) << 0
    draw_horizontal_line(i, color);

It is better to use float for step_x and multiply/add on each iteration. Otherwise with integer rounding, you may never increase number as it will always get rounded down.

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