How can I use Redux to only update one instance of a component?


I'm trying to use Redux to update my Card Component to disable and change colors on click. Redux dispatches the action fine, but it updates all Cards not just the one that was clicked. Each Card has an object associated with it that hold the word and a value. The value is the className I want to use to change the color when clicked


const Card = ({ wordObj, updateClass, isDisabled, cardClass }) => {
    const showColor = (e) => {
    return (
            onClick={(e) => showColor()}

const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
export default connect(mapStateToProps, { updateClass })(Card);


export const updateClass = (obj) => (dispatch) => {
        type: UPDATE_CARD,
        payload: obj,


const initialState = {
    words: [],
    cardClass: 'card',
    isDisabled: false,

export default function (state = initialState, action) {
    const { type, payload } = action;
    switch (type) {
        case SET_WORDS: {
            return {
                words: payload,

        case UPDATE_CARD:
            return {
                isDisabled: true,
                cardClass: ['card', payload.value].join(' '),

            return state;

All of your card components are consuming the same cardClass field in the state. When you modify it in this line:

cardClass: ['card', payload.value].join(' ')

All cards that are consuming this field have their classes updated. The same occurs to the isDisable field.

You need to create one object for each card in your state. Here is my implementation (was not tested):

const initialState = {
    cards: []

export default function (state = initialState, action) {
    const { type, payload } = action;
    switch (type) {
        // create a card object for each word
        case SET_WORDS: {
            return {
                cards: => {
                    return { word: word, cardClass: "card", isDisabled: false }

        case UPDATE_CARD:
            // here i'm using the wordObj.word passed as payload
            // to identify the card (i recommend to use an id field) 
            const cardIndex = => card.word === payload.word);
            // get the current card
            const card =[cardIndex];
            // create an updated card object obeying the immutability principle
            const updatedCard = { ...card, isDisabled: true, cardClass: ['card', payload.value].join(' '), }
            return {
               cards: [
         , cardIndex), // cards before
          + 1) // cards after

            return state;

Collected from the Internet

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