Java MVC framework closest to mvc3?

Yablargo :

this will probably get downvoted etc for being ambiguous, but I am strapped for time and was hoping that someone with much more experience can hop in here and give me a nod in the right direction.

I have been developing several mid-size business apps with a few developers in ASP.NET MVC(3). Me and the team need to produce a java EE web app. I'd like to keep things as consistent as possible -- I have used CakePHP in the past and noticed it was pretty much a breeze to jump into after the ASP.NET MVC Stuff.

What is the best/most similar MVC framework for Java? Alot of the guys just spent the last few months learning all the new MVC3/Razor stuff after coming from more "Classic ASP" or C/C++ design stuff. I really want to keep things as consistent as possible to avoid extra confusion.


Edit: Also I guess I should ask with your recommendation, if one particular IDE has much better integration than the other, I am curious about this!

kosa :

You may consider JSF/Seam framework (or) Spring MVC. AFAIK, JSF/Seam resembles most like .NET MVC3.

Collected from the Internet

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