Unexpected Error on Google Cloud Build Deploy to Firebase Hosting


I have previously managed to deploy small projects to firebase hosting with google cloud build. My current project includes functions, but my deploy script is --only:hosting

I understand this is similar to these posts: stackoeverflow1 stackoverflow2 and stackoverflow3 - but I am using functions and kms not secrets, and I have logged in to firebase ci to get my token. Nothing I've seen points the way clearly enough so far!

I am using google kms cryptography and all my permissions are set up correctly. Correct accounts have firebase admin permissions. Trigger variables are defined correctly.

My .env file contains a parameter FIREBASE_TOKEN that I got by doing firebase login:ci

Here is my cloudbuild.yaml

    # Install
    - name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
      args: ['install']
    # Build
    - name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'
      args: ['run', 'build']
    - name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
      args: ['kms', 'decrypt', '--ciphertext-file=.env.enc', '--plaintext-file=.env', '--location=global', '--keyring=$_KEY_RING', '--key=$_KEY']
    # Deploy
    - name: 'gcr.io/$_PROJECT_ENV/firebase'
      args: ['deploy', '--debug', '--token=$FIREBASE_TOKEN', '--only=hosting:$_DEPLOY_TO', '--project', '$_PROJECT_ENV']

This runs fine until right at the end, when it gives these messages:

Step #3: === Deploying to 'dev-xxxxx'...
Step #3: 
Step #3: i  deploying hosting 
Step #3: 
Step #3: ✔  Deploy complete! 
Step #3: 
Step #3: Project Console: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/dev-xxxxx/overview
Step #3: [2020-09-27T15:51:57.341Z] TypeError: Cannot read property 'deploys' of undefined
Step #3:     at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/firebase-tools/lib/deploy/index.js:85:36
Step #3:     at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
Step #3: 
Step #3: Error: An unexpected error has occurred.

Tearing my hair out trying to find what could possibly be wrong? Not getting any permissions errors and firebase image is the latest and builds fine? Any suggestions?


This error message might be produced for deployments that don't have the target key and value defined in the firebase.json file, and for deployments that have incorrect target values.

According to the Firebase documentation:

In your firebase.json file, reference the associated target name when you're configuring the settings for each resource or group of resources.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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