Image not aligning with the text on GitHub Pages

Do Hun Kim

Image is not aligned with the text on GitHub Pages but it looks fine on GitHub repository.

As you can see below, images are aligned with the bulletpoint and text

Image on Repository

When I made a website using GitHub Pages' Dinky theme, images are not aligned anymore.

Image on GitHub Pages

How can I fix this problem?

Is there any way I can fix this problem without changing GitHub Pages theme, or using Gem?

I thought using html to upload images would work, but images won't show on the website.

This is the link to my Repository. It's written in Korean but images are in line 1867-1868

Thank you


The issue, according the the GFM specs (GitHub Flavored Markdown) is that an image link ![foo](/url "title") syntax generates an image link inside a paragraph.

<p><img src="/url" alt="foo" title="title" /></p>

Using html might be a better option:

text... <img alt="Image alt text" title="Optional image title"
     src=" "
/> ... text

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