Javascript / Typescript iteration over null-array not working with for of and forEach


If I have a null array and want to loop an object over every entry, but it doesn't work on the function loops. Example:

const myArray = [null, null, null]
myArray.forEach(e => e = {}); // a console.log reveals that the loop is running 3 times
console.log(myArray); // expected: [{}, {}, {}] reality: [null, null, null]

for(let e of myArray) {
  e = {}; // a console.log reveals that the loop is running 3 times
console.log(myArray); // expected: [{}, {}, {}] reality: [null, null, null]

classic for works:

for(let i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
  myArray[i] = {};
console.log(myArray); // expected: [{}, {}, {}] reality: [{}, {}, {}]

Do I overlook something obvious?

T.J. Crowder

Fundamentally, when you do:

let e = myArray[someIndex];'re copying the value from myArray[someIndex] to e. There is no ongoing link at that point between e and the array element, it's just that they have the same value. Both forEach and for-of, in different ways, are fundamentally doing the above. Assigning to e, in either case, won't have any effect on the array element e's value came from. It's exactly like:

let a = 1;
let b = a;  // This does not create any kind of link back to `a`...
let b = 42; // So this doesn't change `a`.

If you want to replace every element of an array:

  • If you want to update the array in place, use a classic for loop as you have in your question, or anything similar that gives you an index, and use that index to write to myArray[index].


  • To create a new array of the updated values, use map:

    const newArray = => /*....*/);

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