no operator "/" matches these operands


trying to make player shoot 360 is there something wrong or misspelled?

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>

using namespace sf;

int main()
    RenderWindow window(VideoMode(800, 600), "360 shooting object");

    CircleShape circle(25.f);

    Vector2f circleCenter;
    Vector2f mousePosWindow;
    Vector2f aimDirection;
    Vector2f aimDirectionNorm;

        Event event;
            if(event.type==Event::Closed) window.close();
            if(Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape)) window.close();

        draw(window, circle);

        update(window, circle, circleCenter, mousePosWindow, aimDirection, aimDirectionNorm);

    return 0;

void update(RenderWindow &window, CircleShape &shape, Vector2f circleCenter, 
    Vector2f mousePosWindow, Vector2f aimDirection, Vector2f aimDirectionNorm)
    circleCenter = Vector2f(shape.getPosition().x + shape.getRadius(), 
        shape.getPosition().y + shape.getRadius());
    mousePosWindow = Vector2f(Mouse::getPosition(window));
    aimDirection = mousePosWindow - circleCenter;
    aimDirectionNorm = aimDirection / sqrt(pow(aimDirection.x, 2)) + sqrt(pow(aimDirection.y, 2));


im using sfml error at the aimDirectionNorm part no operator matches the '/' operand what wrong with the '/' operator i don't understand

i delete some code i


Firstly your math is wrong

aimDirectionNorm = aimDirection / sqrt(pow(aimDirection.x, 2)) + 
    sqrt(pow(aimDirection.y, 2));

should be

aimDirectionNorm = aimDirection / sqrt(pow(aimDirection.x, 2) + 
    pow(aimDirection.y, 2));

Secondly operator/ requires a Vector2f and a float but sqrt returns a double. Because Vector2f is a template the normal double to float conversion does not happen.

Simple way to get a float would be to use sqrtf and powf

aimDirectionNorm = aimDirection / sqrtf(powf(aimDirection.x, 2) + 
    powf(aimDirection.y, 2));

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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