VBA - Trying to understand how to call Class Modules


I'm learning VBA through Google, YouTube, etc.. and I came across Class Modules.

I have a Tracker Template.
Every few days I get a report sent to me ("Ice cream FG Inv.xlsm")

While trying to understand Class Modules, I found a template that created a Class Module (within the Tracker Template) WBIceCreamFGINVxlsm creating a CodeName for all of the worksheets within the Ice Cream FG Inv.xlsm Workbook.


Public Property Get wsinventory() As Worksheet
    Set wsinventory = Workbook.Worksheets("Inventory")
End Property

In my module, I want to reference wsinventory, but not understanding exactly how to 'call' the Class Module..

Both Workbooks are Open.

I tried to start with:

Dim Data As Variant
    Data = wsinventory.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value   (**Variable not Defined**)

Then I tried:

Dim wsinventory As Worksheets
With wsinventory
    Dim Data As Variant
        Data = .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value (**Object variable or With variable not set**)
End With

Do I still need to use:

Dim DataSource As Workbook
Set DataSource = Workbooks("Ice Cream FG Inv.xlsm")
    With DataSource.Worksheets("Inventory")
    End With

If so, what would be the reasoning for using Class Modules?


You need to create a class object before you can access the properties of that class.

Assuming you have this Class and naming it TestClass:

Private pwsinventory As Worksheet

Public Sub init()
    Set pwsinventory = Worksheets("Inventory")
End Sub

Public Property Set wsinventory(lwsinventory As Worksheet)
    Set pwsinventory = lwsinventory
End Property

Public Property Get wsinventory() As Worksheet
    Set wsinventory = pwsinventory
End Property

You can set / get the properties like so:

Sub test()
    Dim datacls As TestClass
    Dim data As Worksheet
    Set datacls = New TestClass
    Set datacls.wsinventory = Worksheets("inventory")
    Set data = datacls.wsinventory
    Debug.Print data.Name
End Sub

This, however, is kind of weird and when you have a property you don't want to set (you need to pass an argument) you should use an initiate function. Unfortunately there is no way I know of to do this without manually calling that sub after the class object is created.

Sub Test2()
    Dim datacls As TestClass
    Set datacls = New TestClass
    Debug.Print datacls.wsinventory.Name
End Sub

The most common case I use classes for is better containers. Generally storing many of the same class type inside an array / dictionary so it is clear what I'm calling, especially if I need to modify the data in the same manner for each instance.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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