how to save many data in pivot table in laravel


i want to save two data (qte and total) in pivot table, how can i do that

here my code

artical model

class Artical extends Model{

protected $table = 'artical';
protected $primaryKey = 'ida';
protected $fillable = [ 'num_art' , 'designation', 'unite','prix_unit',];}

devis model

class Devis extends Model{

protected $table = 'Devis';
protected $primaryKey = 'idd';
protected $fillable = ['type', 'lot', 'prix_total_avant_tax', 'tax_perse', 'tax_amount', 'prix_total_apre_tax', 'notes',];

public function articals()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Artical::class)->withPivot(['qte'])->withPivot(['total']);

devis_artical table (pivot tavle)

enter image description here

store function

public function store(Request $request)

    $Devis = Devis::create($request->all());

    $articals = $request->input('articals', []);
    $quantité = $request->input('quantité', []);
    $total = $request->input('total', []);

    for ($product=0; $product < count($articals); $product++) {
    if ($articals[$product] != '') {
        $Devis->articals()->attach($articals[$product], ['qte'=> $quantité[$product]], ['total'=> $total[$product]]);

    return redirect('/Devis');

You should read the Laravel documentation - it is one of the best and good source for learning.

class Devis extends Model
    protected $table = 'Devis';
    protected $primaryKey = 'idd';
    protected $fillable = ['type', 'lot', 'prix_total_avant_tax', 'tax_perse', 'tax_amount', 'prix_total_apre_tax', 'notes',];

    public function articals()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Artical::class)->withPivot('qte', 'total');

Laravel Docs - Eloquent Relationships - Retrieving Intermediate Table Columns

And then in controller

public function store(Request $request)

    $Devis = Devis::create($request->all());

    $articals = $request->input('articals', []);
    $quantité = $request->input('quantité', []);
    $total = $request->input('total', []);

    for ($product=0; $product < count($articals); $product++) {
        if ($articals[$product] != '') {
            $Devis->articals()->attach($articals[$product], [
                'qte'=> $quantité[$product], 
                'total'=> $total[$product]

    return redirect('/Devis');

Laravel Docs - Eloquent Relationships - Attaching Detaching

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