how to assign variables to an object for submitting the Data using reactjs?


My objective is to assign the variables to new object while submitting the data.

Here is the array of object as they appear while submitting:

experience: [
        Organisation: "",
        ID: "",
        From: "",
        To: "",
        Skills: []
        Organisation: "",
        ID: "",
        From: "",
        To: "",
        Skills: []

But i want the object should be in this way:

        organisationName: "",
        id: "",
        from: "",
        to: "",
        skills: []

I have done in this way but output is not appearing in this appropriately.

handleSubmit = (e)=> {
let obj = {
id: => item.ID),
organisation: => item.Organisation),
        from: => item.From),
        to: => item.To),
console.log("Object", obj)

Can anyone please help me to assign the values in a right way?


It would be easier to use Object.fromEntries to map the entries and call toLowerCase on the keys:

const lowercaseKeys = obj => Object.fromEntries(
    .map(([key, val]) => [key.toLowerCase(), val])
const obj =;

If you also need to replace a particular key with another, use .replace:

const lowercaseKeys = obj => Object.fromEntries(
    .map(([key, val]) => [
      key.toLowerCase().replace('organisation', 'organisationName'),
const obj =;

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