How to fetch the value in dictionary by checking the key mapped in the dict


Dictionary is below

my = {
  "1": {
    "exclude": 'A,B',
    "column": "value",
    "output": "Out1",
    "Out1": "Cost",
    "Out2": "Rev"
  "2": {
    "exclude": 'None',
    "column": "value",
    "output": "Out2",
    "Out1": "Cost",
    "Out2": "Rev"
  • I need to check column key value (if lower(my[column])) == lower(value)
  • I have exclude_list = ['A','B','C']
  • I need to the exclude key, if exclude is 'A' check the exclude_list = ['A','B','C'] take the value B,C. If the exclude key is 'A,B' take the value C as shown in the example.
  • I need to check the output key if output key is Out1 then fetch value of Out1 and mapped to EndOutput

Expected Out

{'1': {'exclude': ['C'], 'EndOutput': 'Cost'},
 '2': {'exclude': ['A', 'B', 'C'], 'EndOutput': 'Rev'}}

exclude_list = ['A','B','C']
for k,v in my.items():
    if v['column'].lower() == 'value'.lower:

You can iterate over keys 1,2 .. N with for e in my: and then calculate exclude with help of set() difference as

and extract things like this

 exc = set(['A','B','C']) - set(my[e]["exclude"].split(",") if len(my[e]["exclude"].split(",")) else [] )

next you can take value of out1 or out2 depending on the value of output as


Insert in new dictionary as

newdict[e] = {'exclude': list(exc) ,'EndOutput':my[e][my[e]["output"]]}

Overall, this is how you can iterate

newdict = {}
for e in my:
     if my[e]['column'].lower() == 'value':
             exc = set(['A','B','C']) - set(my[e]["exclude"].split(",") if len(my[e]["exclude"].split(",")) else [] )
             newdict[e] = {'exclude': list(exc) ,'EndOutput':my[e][my[e]["output"]]}

printing newdict will produce this output

'1': {'EndOutput': 'Cost', 'exclude': ['C'] },
'2': {'EndOutput': 'Rev', 'exclude': ['A', 'B', 'C'] }}

Collected from the Internet

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